Publication of NISR revised Procurement Plan for the Financial Year (July 2014 - 30th June 2015)

As stipulated in the Article 9 of Ministerial order of Public Procurement, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) has published the revised Procurement Plan for the Financial Year (July 2014 - 30th June 2015).

EAC Facts and Figures summary

In accordance with the East African Community (EAC) calendar of activities for the period July - December, 2014, regional statistics have been compiled in the meeting   of National   Experts that was held on 14 - 18th July, 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda. This is done for a regular monitoring and evaluation of progress in national and regional initiatives.

The attached Excel files highlight three subjects’ areas namely; Socio-environment, Macroeconomic and Production statistics that have been compiled this year of 2014.

Click here to download the original Terms of Reference (TOR) document in PDF


1. Background and Justification

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) has now been up and running since 2005. It was created to replace the former Department of Statistics in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN). NISR is semi autonomous and is governed by a Board of Directors. The government provides oversight on its activities through a performance contract with MINECOFIN.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) - July 2014

In July 2014, the All Urban general Consumer Price index (CPI) increased by 1.9 percent on annual basis and increased by 0.3 percent on a monthly basis. The annual average rate between July 2014 and July 2013 is 3.3 percent.

Foreign Private Capital Census Report 2012

The Government of Rwanda continues to promote a private sector-led free market economy, aiming at fostering both local and foreign investment by undertaking reforms with the objective to make the country a favorableplace for investment.

List of tenders awarded during financial year (1 July 2013 - 30 June 2014) - Covered period : June 2014

This is in line with the Article 9 of Ministerial order Nº 001/08/10/MIN of 15/01/2008 establishing regulations on public procurement and standard bidding documents for the financial year (From 01st July 2013 to 30th June 2014).

Name of the procuring entity:   National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR)
Covered financial year  :  From 01st July 2013 to 30th June 2014
Covered period: June 2014

Click here to download the original notice (REOI) in PDF

Click here to download the original notice -Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) in PDF
