Implementation of Economic Development & Poverty Reduction Strategy - 2008

This report outlines the progress made in 2008 in implementation of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) based on the key targets and policy actions in the EDPRS Results and Policy Matrix.

The EDPRS Results and Policy Matrix is structured on 3 major strategic objectives of; Increased economic growth, Managing population growth rate and enhancing population development and Enhanced gains through good governance.

Millennium Development Goals - Rwanda Country Report 2007

The MDGs represent a major step toward improving the effectiveness of national and international development efforts. They provide a way to measure progress in achieving a set of public goods essential to improving the welfare and cohesion of a society. Regular monitoring and reporting of development outcomes measured by the MDG targets require transparency and accountability among all development actors—on the part of state and its people and on the part of programme countries and development partners.

Economic Development & Poverty Reduction Strategy 2008 - 2012

Rwanda’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) provides a medium term framework for achieving the country’s long term development aspirations as embodied in Rwanda Vision 2020, the seven year Government of Rwanda (GoR) programme, and the Millennium Development Goals. The implementation of the EDPRS will require RWF 5,151 billion over the five years 2008-2012.

Advanced release calendar 2011

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) has posted on its website an Advance Release Calendar (ARC) that will indicate when can the public expect for the release of new data series as well as statistical publications. This initiative of the NISR is one of the best practices on information dissemination of national statistical systems as encouraged by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) General Data Dissemination System (GDDS). Rwanda is one of the many countries subscribing to these international standards.

Consumer Price Index(August 2011)

In August 2011 the All Urban general index is established at 111.3 this stands for an increase of 0.43% over the previous month which was 110.8. In annual change it increased by 7.52% compared to 7.14% in the previous month. This gives a general inflation rate by an annual average of 3.3% during the month of August 2011.

Consumer Price Index Report (July 2011)

In July 2011 the All Urban general index is established at 110.8 this stands for an increase of 0.40% over the previous month which was 110.4. In annual change it increased by 7.14% compared to 5.82% in the previous month. This gives a general inflation rate by an annual average of 2.8% during the month of July 2011.

Consumer Price Index Report (June 2011)

In June 2011 the All Urban general index is established at 110.4 this stands for an increase of 1.54% over the previous month which was 108.7. In annual change it increased by 5.82% compared to 4.54% in the previous month. This gives a general inflation rate by an annual average of 2.5% during the month of June 2011.

Annual report 2010

This annual report is a resource guide to the programs and services of the NISR. The Institute produces a series of monthly, quarterly and annual statistical publications such as surveys, censuses and other statistical related programs that are the sources of data products which can be referred too for technical information. These are produced separately according to the international standards.

Census 2012

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