Seasonal Agricultural Survey Report - Season A, 2015

In 2015, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) conducted Seasonal Agricultural Surveys (SAS) covering season A that starts in September 2014 and ends with February 2015. This is a summary of key results and related tables about land use, crop land, agricultural inputs, agricultural practises and production. An annual comprehensive SAS Survey report will be published after covering all three agricultural seasons.

GDP - National Accounts (First Quarter 2015)

In the first quarter of 2015, GDP at current market prices was estimated to be Rwf 1,377 billion, up from Rwf 1,282 billion in the same quarter of 2014. The Services sector contributed 48 percent of GDP while the agriculture sector contributed 31 percent of the GDP. The industry sector contributed 15 percent of GDP, and 5 percent was attributed to adjustment for taxes less subsidies on products.

Demographic and Health Survey [DHS] 2014/2015 Key findings

This publication highlights the key findings of 2014-15 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey (RDHS 5), a nationally representative survey of 13,497 women age 15-49 and 5,585 men age 15-59 from 12,793 interviewed households.

Formal External Trade in Goods Statistics report (Q1, 2015)

In the first quarter of 2015, Rwanda’s total trade reached up US$ 572.38 million. This is 0.13% higher than the same quarter in 2014. In addition, official data show that imports decreased by 1.75% over the same quarter of 2014 and exports increased by 10.22% when comparing to the same quarter of 2014.

The total value of Exports is US$ 101.90 million, the total value of Imports is US$ 432.61 million while the total value of re-exports is US$ 37.87 million.


The National Institute of Statistics of Rwandareceived financing from the Perfomance for Results (P4R) Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services related to the Technical Assistance in improving key economic ststistsics and national accounts.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) - May 2015

The Urban CPI increased by 2.2 percent on annual basis and increased by 0.6 percent on a monthly basis. The annual average rate between May 2015 and May 2014 is 1.1 percent.

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Data Processing Officers (2)

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) wishes to recruit competent candidates for the position of TWO Data Processing Officers.

Duties and Responsibilities:
